Computer does not Recognize Microphone

Microphone Not RecognizedOne of the biggest problems most people face when it comes to getting their computer running properly is with their microphone.

You will be surprised at just how often the microphone can randomly stop working. In this article I want to run you through a couple of solutions which help you get it working again! Let’s run through it!

Double Check Your Volume

Firstly, I know this may seem obvious, but you are going to need to check whether the microphone volume is turned up or not.

The way in which you do this will depend on the software that you are trying to get it working in. You will be surprised at how often this is the problem. Don’t read through the rest of the article if you haven’t done this!

Test If Your Microphone is Defect

If that doesn’t work, then you are going to need to work out whether your microphone is working or defect. This is pretty much going to be impossible on your computer (as obviously you know it doesn’t work there). Instead you are going to need to use somebody else’s computer. If it works there, then you are going to follow the last step of the solution. If it doesn’t, it is likely you need a new microphone!

Update Your Microphone Driver

If neither of these solutions work then the most likely problem is with the drivers for the microphone. Don’t worry, this isn’t a scary problem to solve! Basically, it means that there is a problem with the way in which your microphone is talking / corresponding with your computer. This is most likely down to a software error. This problem can be solved by either updating your drivers or reinstalling them.

The first thing you are going to need to work out is whether there is a problem with the microphone or the USB slot you are plugging it into (or the sound card if you aren’t using a USB microphone). You can do this by testing various devices and seeing if they work. This will help you determine what you need to search for online.

Once you have established where the problem is, you need to grab the name of the driver. You don’t want the generic name, you want to be as accurate as possible. After that, head onto Google and find the right driver. Make sure you download the EXACT one for your operating system otherwise you could end up with an even more serious problem on your hands.

Recommendation: Installing drivers is hard, in fact, many computer experts avoid it due to the amount that can go wrong. This is why I suggest you use a program called “Driver Turbo which will ensure that you find the right drivers each and every time, all by pressing  a couple of buttons!

If you are suffering from microphone problems then I seriously do suggest that you give Driver Turbo a spin today. You will be surprised at just how easily it will find the right drivers for you, and of course allow you to get your microphone working sooner rather than later.

Free Driver Test