HP Printer – Sample
There is nothing worse than purchasing a new printer and then finding out that you cannot install it. At the moment, one of the most popular printers around is that of the HP 3055 Deskjet. It is also one of the printers which seem to have the most issues when it comes to installation.
When installing the printer, those that work with either Windows 8, 7 or Windows Vista will quite often be greeted by “Error 2753”. This is a catastrophic failure of the installation of the printer and it will stop abruptly.
This means that unless you solve the problem you will be unable to install the printer. Before I take a little look at how you can fix Error 2753 on a HP Printer I want to take a little look at what actually causes the issue.
The issue occurs as the installer needs to overwrite two files. These are:
Net Driver HPZ12 (C:\Windows\System32\HPZinw12.dll)
Pml Driver HPZ12 (C:\Windows\System32\HPZipm12.dll)
Now, the problem is, the installer is unable to overwrite these. The main reason for that is the fact that the files are old and out of date. In some cases it could also mean that you are installing faulty drivers. This is going to end up causing the same issue. Let’s take a little look at how we can solve this issue.
How to fix Fatal Error 2753 during installation of printer
When it comes to fixing this problem there are a couple of solutions. I suggest that you try the following steps first before you do anything else:
- Open up the Windows Explorer. You can do this by clicking the ‘Computer’ link on your Desktop, navigating to your Hard Drive and then selecting the ‘Windows’ folder.
- Open up the System32 Folder
- Find the two files that I mentioned previously and either delete them or rename them.
- You will now be able to try the installation again.

Update Printer Drivers
Chances are, this is going to solve your problem. A few people however may find that it does not solve the issue. Those people are going to need to do something else. This is to get hold of new printer drivers that they can install for their printer.
Now, there are plenty of ways that you will be able to get drivers for your computer. You should be able to pick them up pretty easily from the HP website.
However, I do not suggest that you do this. The main reason for that is that it can be quite difficult to install drivers. If you do not know what you are doing then you could end up messing up your computer!
This is why we always recommend that you download and install Driver Turbo. This driver update software will search online for the right drivers for your computer and install them automatically for you. There will be absolutely no hassle involved! This means that you can be assured that your printer will be working before you know it.